有效傳意評分/Effective Communication

2•運用資料 / 數據及適當的經濟理論支持論點。
1•從一些資料 / 數據和經濟理論支持論點。
•能運用語文清晰地傳遞訊息,但間中用詞不當 / 誤用術語或符號。
0•沒有以資料 / 數據和經濟理論支持論點。
•表達有限的意思,有用詞不當 /誤用術語或符號的情況。
2•Supports arguments with the source/data and appropriate economic theories.
•Presents relevant material.
•Presents well-organised and coherent answers without repetition of ideas.
•Uses language that expresses ideas clearly and fluently with appropriate use of words/terms/symbols.
1•Presents arguments with some support of the source/data and economic theories.
•Present some irrelevant material.
•Presents answers in a less organised way with some repetition.
•Uses language that conveys a clear message with some inappropriate use of words/terms/symbols
0•Presents arguments with no support of the source/data and economic theories.
•Present material unrelated to the gist of the question.
•Presents inconsistent arguments.
•Express limited ideas with inappropriate use of words/terms/symbols

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