
供需破題 (一)



每年在學期中的時間,不少中四級的同學都會開始對經濟科感到突如其來的心跳感覺,原因往往是當同學接觸得愈多,便會感到愈陌生。對,這個課題便是人稱「衰公」的供需導論(Demand and Supply)。當開始學習需求定律(Law of demand)時,同學不會感到困難,但當相對價格(Relative price)、影響需求、供應的因素(Factors affecting demand and supply)、價格不變(Price remains unchanged),甚至是雙線移動(Moving two curves)時,同學便開始混淆,或是不知何時該繪畫那一種的圖。在這期開始,翁sir將會簡單的例子教授同學不同情況下的重點字眼與分析方法:

例題一:於2022年,翁Sir舉辦了一個電子畫展。由於疫情,每日只售賣100張門票,每張作價$200。門票在短時間內售罄。很多同學投訴他們未能購得門票。以一供需圖說明上述現象。 (3分)

Example 1:In 2022, the art exhibition from Mr Yung was exhibited in Hong Kong. 1000 tickets were sold at $100 due to COVID-19. Tickets were sold out within a short period of time. Many students complained that they could not purchase any tickets. Illustrate the above phenomenon in a demand-supply diagram. (3 marks)

拆題拆字:同學第一步閱題時,應留意現象/phenomenon一詞,由於經濟科內,在供需課題中有「現象」的題目只有「短缺(Shortage)」與「盈餘(Surplus)」兩種,故同學只要留意到題目為以上題型,便能輕易了解題目的重點,並且從「未能購得/could not purchases」畫出短缺(Shortage)的圖。


Explanation:When the price (P1) is set below the equilibrium price(Pe), quantity demand larger than quantity supplied, there is an excess demand.

以文憑試的過往試題為例,2019DSE資料回應題中問香港紅隧與西隧於繁忙時間的現象、亦有不同年份的選擇題中問到價格的功能與供需的關係,甚至有部份題目曾以競爭性供應(Competitive Supply)、聯合供應(Joint Supply)、競爭性需求/替代品(Competitive Demand/Substitute)、聯合需求/輔助品(Joint Demand/Complement)的相互關係問到不同市場的價格,同學要多加留意。

例題二:於2022年,由於新冠肺炎疫情,大量餐廳午市有大量位置。以一供需圖說明上述現象。 (3分)

Example 2:In 2022, there are a lot of empty table during lunch time for restaurant due to COVID-19. Illustrate the above phenomenon in a demand-supply diagram. (3 marks)


Explanation:When the price (P1) is set above the equilibrium price(Pe), quantity demand smaller than quantity supplied, there is an excess supply.

翁 Sir 信箱
同學若有任何經濟科的問題,歡迎電郵翁 sir : [email protected]

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